Why your business NEEDS a Virtual Tour!

Adding a virtual tour to your business not only displays your personality, but it will also inform your potential customers about your products and services. They can wander virtually through your tour, giving an honest and transparent impression about your place.

The Importance Of Quality Marketing In Business!

Marketing is by far thee most important aspect of growing your business. When i was in cosmetology school one of my instructors said to me “ Alexis, what i like about you is you show up everyday, dressed and well groomed because in this business - You have to look like the money you are trying to make!”

I have carried that with me since then. But lets think about this for a second because in my experience it is true!

If you walk into a hair salon and you’ve never met any of the stylist but you know that you want highlights put in your hair and there are 2 stylist waiting at their chairs for a walk in like yourself. Which stylist are you going to go to? The the stylist that looks like they need some color correction themselves or the other stylist who has highlights just like you want them to look her ends are trimmed and her hairstyle is on point? Of course the one who has the highlights you want right?! RIGHT!


Here is an article from my favorite publisher about why the quality of your marketing is so important in business.

Clean Eating & Successful Business

After a long Thanksgiving weekend of eating without a care in the world, we have arrived back at Monday and its time to get back focused. This morning i started my day with oatmeal and a kale salad. While eating something told me to google the correlation between eating clean and running a successful business and I ran across a great article from one of my favorite publishers…
